Free Masterclass

The Secret to Loving and Secure Relationships

Learn how to manifest the relationship of your dreams. Tabitha MacDonald, expert intuitive coach, shares her experience and expertise on how to identify what is holding you back from the love you deserve.

Live Webinar

May 13, 2024
6:00pm Pacific Time


  • 30 minute intuitive love readings with Tabitha
  • Powerful processes to rewire your unconscious beliefs that are attracting the wrong people
  • Identify patterns that are keeping you stuck
  • Cut the energetic cord with your ex so you can totally move on

Taught by

Tabitha MacDonald

Tabitha is an expert Wellness Practitioner with over 20 years of experience. She uses a blend of intuition and science to help her clients transform their lives as fast as possible so that they can get the love they truly desire.

Ready to get started . . .

Listen to The Mindful Love Podcast to get to know more about Tabitha and the work she is passionate about bringing into the world.

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